
What our nursery offers

Aquatic Plants (Late April-September)
Aquatic Plants (Late April-September)

  • Floaters
    • Water Lettuce
    • Water Hyacinth
  • Shallow Marginals
  • Bog Plants
  • Water Lilies
    • Assorted colors

    Berry Bushes/Vines (March-October)

    • Blueberries
    • Rapberries
    • Elderberries
    • Grape Vines
    • Figs

    Fruit Trees: (Late February-November)

    • Apples
    • Pears
    • Peaches
    • Plums
    • Apricots
    • Necterines

    Perennials (Late March-October)
    Perennials (Late March-October)

    • Sun-Loving Perennials
      • Daisies
      • Coneflowers
      • Lavender
      • Rudbeckia
      • Daylilies
    • Shade Loving Perennials
      • Hostas
      • Coral Bells
      • Hellebores
      • Astilbe
      • Ferns
    • Ground Cover Perennials
      • Dianthus
      • Ajuga
      • Sedums
      • Chicks and Hens
      • Periwinkle
    • Vining Perennials
      • Clematis
      • Wisteria
      • Honeysuckle
      • Trumpet Vine
    • Perennial Grasses
      • Liropie
      • Carex
      • Zebra Grass
      • Zebra Grass
      • Hamlen Grass

    Shrubs (Late March-October)

    • Deciduous Shrubs
      • Hydrangeas
      • Spirea
      • Butterfly Bush
      • Crape Myrtle
      • Weiglea
    • Evergreen Shrubs
      • Azaleas
      • Rhodoendron
      • Boxwood
      • Holly
      • Yucca
    • Shade Loving Shrubs
      • Oakleaf Hydrangea
      • Sweetspire
      • Clethra
      • Azaleas
      • Viburnum

    Roses (Late April- October)

    • Knock Out Roses
    • Drift Groundcover Roses
    • Climbing Roses
    • Hybrid Tea Roses
    • David Austin Roses

    Deciduous Trees (Late February - November)

    • Shade Trees
      • Maples
      • Oaks
      • Birch
      • Willows
      • Gingkos
    • Flowering Trees
      • Dogwoods
      • Redbuds
      • Crabapples
      • Flowering Cherries
      • Flowering Plums
    • Japanese Maples

    Large Evergreens (March-November)

    • Spruce
    • Pines
    • Hinoki Cypress
    • Cedars
    • Laurels

    Weeping Evergreens (March-November)

    • Weeping Alaskans
    • Weeping Norway Spruce
    • Weeping Serbian Spruce
    • Weeping White Spruce
    • Weeping Eastern White Pine

    Unique Evergreens (March-November)

    • Spirals
    • Tiered
    • Pom-Poms
    • Tree Forms
    • Sculptures (Limited)

    Arborvitae (March-November)

    • Emerald Green Arborative
    • Green Giant Arborvitae
    • Spring Grove Arborvitae

    Nathan Schwartz

    Nursery Manager

    Tree Planting Services

    Tree Delivery Information and Pricing:

    Tree Delivery Info
    1. Pricing for delivery of trees (Up to 20 miles)
    • 1 – 4 trees: $60
    • 5 – 14 trees: $80
    • 15+ trees: $100


    1. Over 20 miles for delivery
      • Add $5 per extra mile
    Tree Delivery Pricing
    1. We will deliver 7 gallon or larger trees
    2. The delivery cost is not taxed and will be added onto the cost of your trees.
    3. June-March: Your trees will be delivered no later than 5 business days after the trees are purchased
    4. You can purchase your tree(s) and delivery in person or…
    • Call: 717-692-1043 ex. 102

    Tree Planting Service Information and Pricing:

    Planting Service Info
    1. April and May: Tree plantings will be limited during this time
    2. June-March: Your trees will most likely be planted no later than 10 business days after the trees are purchased
    3. The tree planting cost is not taxed and will be added to the final cost of your trees
    4. We will plant up to 5 trees with this service
      • If you would like more than 5 trees planted, please contact our office.
    5. This service includes:
      • Delivery of desired trees.
      • Planting of trees with compost and fertilizer
      • Staking of trees
      • Watering of trees after planting
    6. You can purchase your trees and planting service in person or…
      • Call: 717-692-1043 ex. 102
      • Email:
    Tree Replacement
    1. We will replace a tree free of charge if…
      • Your tree that was planted by us has died within a year
      • The tree was not discounted when purchased
    Tree Planting Pricing
    1. Pricing for this service (Up to 30

      • Small Tree Planting (1 tree): $200
      • Additional Small Tree: $50
      • Large Tree Planting (1 tree): $300
      • Additional Large Tree: $80
      • Over 30 miles: $5 per additional
      • Optional add on: 2-3’ Mulch Ring: $60
        per tree
    2. Large and Small Trees will be determined by the nursery manager
      • Small Trees: 7 gallon or 15 gallon trees (Anything we can lift without a machine)
      • Large Trees: Balled in Burlap Trees (Anything that we need a machine to

    Deer Resistant Plants

    We offer a great selection of deer resistant perennials and shrubs in our nursery
    1. Most deer resistant plants:
      1. Have a strong fragrance
      2. Have rough branches/foliage
    2. Some of the Deer Resistant Plants we offer:
      1. Perennials
    3. Allium
    4. Monarda (Bee Balm)
    5. Nepeta
    6. Salvia
    7. Lavander
      1. Shrubs
    8. Holly
    9. Boxwood
    10. Bluebeard
    11. Viburnum
    12. Yucca

    Pollinator Attracting Plants

    We offer a great selection of pollinator attracting perennials and shrubs in our nursery
    1. We also have a pollinator loving flowerbed on our property for you to explore
      1. This showcases the pollinator friendly plants we offer in the nursery
    2. Most Pollinator Attracting plants:
      1. Have a showy, colorful bloom
      2. Have a fragrance
    3. Hummingbirds in particular love blooms with a tubular shape
    4. Some of the pollinator loving plants we offer:
      1. Perennials
    5. Veronica
    6. Nepeta
    7. Monarda (Bee Balm)
    8. Coneflowers
    9. Saliva
      1. Shrubs
    10. Weigela
    11. Butterfly Bush
    12. Spirea
    13. Crape Myrtle
    14. Bluebeard

    Water Loving Plants

    We offer a great selection of trees, shrubs, and perennials for those wet/boggy areas on your property.
    1. We also have a water loving flower bed on our property that showcases the
      different water loving plants we sell.
    2. Most water loving plants:
      1. Have a faster growth rate than other plants
      2. Have a larger, more robust root system
    3. Some of the water loving plants we offer:
      1. Trees
    4. Weeping Willows
    5. River Birch
    6. Himalayan Birch
      1. Shrubs
    7. Button Bush
    8. Tricolor Willows
    9. Sweetspire
    10. Winterberry
      1. Perennials
    11. Swamp Milkweed
    12. Jo-Pie Weed
    13. Dinnerplate Hibiscus
    14. Cardinal Flower

    Native Plant Section

    Here at Smucker Gardens, we make it a goal to provide a wide selection of
    1. Native Plants in our nursery.
      1. We have a section dedicated to them in our nursery
      2. We also have a Native Flower Bed on our property that showcases the
        Native Plants we offer
    2. Definition of a Native Plant
      1. A Plant that has existed for many years in a region or habitat
    3. What is special about Native Plants?
      1. Shrubs
    4. Small mammals, birds, and insects depend on native plants for
      food and shelter.


      1. Native plants are an essential part of the food web, and are needed to
        create habitat.
      2. Native plants are easy to maintain, and do not require many pesticides or
    5. We offer plants from all 4 layers of the native landscape
      1. Canopy Layer
    6. Description of layer
      1. Has the tallest trees and most access to sunlight
      2. Has the most flowering, fruiting, and seed production
      3. Impacts conditions like sunlight, temperature, and airflow for
        the plants below the canopy
      4. Provides shade and structure in a landscape
      5. Provides food and habitat for wildlife
    7. Plants we provide in this layer
      1. Red Maples
      2. Northern Red Oaks
      3. River Birch
      4. Tulip Tree
      5. Provides necessary transition between the Canopy and
        Shrub layer in a landscape
    8. Plants we provide in this layer
      1. Eastern Redbuds
      2. PawPaws
      3. Dogwoods
      4. Serviceberries
        1. Shrub Layer
    9. Description of layer
      1. Includes woody/ multi-stemmed plants
      2. Most plants in this layer are known for attractive blooms,
        fragrant leaves, and/or berries
      3. Range from 10’ to 15’ in size but can be smaller
      4. This layer adds color, texture, and seasonal interest to a
      5. Provides food and habitat for wildlife
    10. Plants we provide in this layer
      1. Sweetspire
      2. Clethra
      3. Fothergilla
      4. Viburnum
      5. Ninebark
      6. Winterberry
        1. Herbaceous Perennial Layer
    11. Description of layer
      1. This layer produces new stems and leaves every year
      2. Most Bloom for about 2-4 weeks; some bloom longer
      3. Spring, summer and fall blooming native perennials provide
        color throughout the season in a landscape
      4. Native grasses and ferns provide texture and season long
        interest in a landscape
      5. Provides food and cover for wildlife
    12. Plants we provide in this layer
      1. Coneflowers
      2. Rudbeckia
      3. Liatris
      4. Blanket Flower
      5. Coral Bells
      6. Baptisia