What our nursery offers

Aquatic Plants (Late April-September)
- Floaters
- Water Lettuce
- Water Hyacinth
- Shallow Marginals
- Bog Plants
- Water Lilies
- Assorted colors

Berry Bushes/Vines (March-October)
- Blueberries
- Rapberries
- Elderberries
- Grape Vines
- Figs
Fruit Trees: (Late February-November)
- Apples
- Pears
- Peaches
- Plums
- Apricots
- Necterines

Perennials (Late March-October)
- Sun-Loving Perennials
- Daisies
- Coneflowers
- Lavender
- Rudbeckia
- Daylilies
- Shade Loving Perennials
- Hostas
- Coral Bells
- Hellebores
- Astilbe
- Ferns
- Ground Cover Perennials
- Dianthus
- Ajuga
- Sedums
- Chicks and Hens
- Periwinkle
- Vining Perennials
- Clematis
- Wisteria
- Honeysuckle
- Trumpet Vine
- Perennial Grasses
- Liropie
- Carex
- Zebra Grass
- Zebra Grass
- Hamlen Grass

Shrubs (Late March-October)
- Deciduous Shrubs
- Hydrangeas
- Spirea
- Butterfly Bush
- Crape Myrtle
- Weiglea
- Evergreen Shrubs
- Azaleas
- Rhodoendron
- Boxwood
- Holly
- Yucca
- Shade Loving Shrubs
- Oakleaf Hydrangea
- Sweetspire
- Clethra
- Azaleas
- Viburnum
Roses (Late April- October)
- Knock Out Roses
- Drift Groundcover Roses
- Climbing Roses
- Hybrid Tea Roses
- David Austin Roses

Deciduous Trees (Late February - November)
- Shade Trees
- Maples
- Oaks
- Birch
- Willows
- Gingkos
- Flowering Trees
- Dogwoods
- Redbuds
- Crabapples
- Flowering Cherries
- Flowering Plums
- Japanese Maples
Large Evergreens (March-November)
- Spruce
- Pines
- Hinoki Cypress
- Cedars
- Laurels
Weeping Evergreens (March-November)
- Weeping Alaskans
- Weeping Norway Spruce
- Weeping Serbian Spruce
- Weeping White Spruce
- Weeping Eastern White Pine
Unique Evergreens (March-November)
- Spirals
- Tiered
- Pom-Poms
- Tree Forms
- Sculptures (Limited)
Arborvitae (March-November)
- Emerald Green Arborative
- Green Giant Arborvitae
- Spring Grove Arborvitae

Nathan Schwartz
Nursery Manager
Tree Planting Services
Tree Delivery Information and Pricing:
Tree Delivery Info
- Pricing for delivery of trees (Up to 20 miles)
- 1 – 4 trees: $60
- 5 – 14 trees: $80
- 15+ trees: $100
- Over 20 miles for delivery
- Add $5 per extra mile
Tree Delivery Pricing
- We will deliver 7 gallon or larger trees
- The delivery cost is not taxed and will be added onto the cost of your trees.
- June-March: Your trees will be delivered no later than 5 business days after the trees are purchased
- You can purchase your tree(s) and delivery in person or…
- Call: 717-692-1043 ex. 102
Tree Planting Service Information and Pricing:
Planting Service Info
- April and May: Tree plantings will be limited during this time
- June-March: Your trees will most likely be planted no later than 10 business days after the trees are purchased
- The tree planting cost is not taxed and will be added to the final cost of your trees
- We will plant up to 5 trees with this service
- If you would like more than 5 trees planted, please contact our office.
- This service includes:
- Delivery of desired trees.
- Planting of trees with compost and fertilizer
- Staking of trees
- Watering of trees after planting
- You can purchase your trees and planting service in person or…
- Call: 717-692-1043 ex. 102
- Email:
Tree Replacement
- We will replace a tree free of charge if…
- Your tree that was planted by us has died within a year
- The tree was not discounted when purchased
Tree Planting Pricing
- Pricing for this service (Up to 30
miles):- Small Tree Planting (1 tree): $200
- Additional Small Tree: $50
- Large Tree Planting (1 tree): $300
- Additional Large Tree: $80
- Over 30 miles: $5 per additional
mile - Optional add on: 2-3’ Mulch Ring: $60
per tree
- Large and Small Trees will be determined by the nursery manager
- Small Trees: 7 gallon or 15 gallon trees (Anything we can lift without a machine)
- Large Trees: Balled in Burlap Trees (Anything that we need a machine to
Deer Resistant Plants
We offer a great selection of deer resistant perennials and shrubs in our nursery
- Most deer resistant plants:
- Have a strong fragrance
- Have rough branches/foliage
- Some of the Deer Resistant Plants we offer:
- Perennials
- Allium
- Monarda (Bee Balm)
- Nepeta
- Salvia
- Lavander
- Shrubs
- Holly
- Boxwood
- Bluebeard
- Viburnum
- Yucca
Pollinator Attracting Plants
We offer a great selection of pollinator attracting perennials and shrubs in our nursery
- We also have a pollinator loving flowerbed on our property for you to explore
- This showcases the pollinator friendly plants we offer in the nursery
- Most Pollinator Attracting plants:
- Have a showy, colorful bloom
- Have a fragrance
- Hummingbirds in particular love blooms with a tubular shape
- Some of the pollinator loving plants we offer:
- Perennials
- Veronica
- Nepeta
- Monarda (Bee Balm)
- Coneflowers
- Saliva
- Shrubs
- Weigela
- Butterfly Bush
- Spirea
- Crape Myrtle
- Bluebeard
Water Loving Plants
We offer a great selection of trees, shrubs, and perennials for those wet/boggy areas on your property.
- We also have a water loving flower bed on our property that showcases the
different water loving plants we sell. - Most water loving plants:
- Have a faster growth rate than other plants
- Have a larger, more robust root system
- Some of the water loving plants we offer:
- Trees
- Weeping Willows
- River Birch
- Himalayan Birch
- Shrubs
- Button Bush
- Tricolor Willows
- Sweetspire
- Winterberry
- Perennials
- Swamp Milkweed
- Jo-Pie Weed
- Dinnerplate Hibiscus
- Cardinal Flower
Native Plant Section
Here at Smucker Gardens, we make it a goal to provide a wide selection of
- Native Plants in our nursery.
- We have a section dedicated to them in our nursery
- We also have a Native Flower Bed on our property that showcases the
Native Plants we offer
- Definition of a Native Plant
- A Plant that has existed for many years in a region or habitat
- What is special about Native Plants?
- Shrubs
- Small mammals, birds, and insects depend on native plants for
food and shelter.- Native plants are an essential part of the food web, and are needed to
create habitat. - Native plants are easy to maintain, and do not require many pesticides or
- Native plants are an essential part of the food web, and are needed to
- We offer plants from all 4 layers of the native landscape
- Canopy Layer
- Description of layer
- Has the tallest trees and most access to sunlight
- Has the most flowering, fruiting, and seed production
- Impacts conditions like sunlight, temperature, and airflow for
the plants below the canopy - Provides shade and structure in a landscape
- Provides food and habitat for wildlife
- Plants we provide in this layer
- Red Maples
- Northern Red Oaks
- River Birch
- Tulip Tree
- Provides necessary transition between the Canopy and
Shrub layer in a landscape
- Plants we provide in this layer
- Eastern Redbuds
- PawPaws
- Dogwoods
- Serviceberries
- Shrub Layer
- Description of layer
- Includes woody/ multi-stemmed plants
- Most plants in this layer are known for attractive blooms,
fragrant leaves, and/or berries - Range from 10’ to 15’ in size but can be smaller
- This layer adds color, texture, and seasonal interest to a
landscape - Provides food and habitat for wildlife
- Plants we provide in this layer
- Sweetspire
- Clethra
- Fothergilla
- Viburnum
- Ninebark
- Winterberry
- Herbaceous Perennial Layer
- Description of layer
- This layer produces new stems and leaves every year
- Most Bloom for about 2-4 weeks; some bloom longer
- Spring, summer and fall blooming native perennials provide
color throughout the season in a landscape - Native grasses and ferns provide texture and season long
interest in a landscape - Provides food and cover for wildlife
- Plants we provide in this layer
- Coneflowers
- Rudbeckia
- Liatris
- Blanket Flower
- Coral Bells
- Baptisia